Generate snapshots at scale, painlessly
Capturing image screenshots or PDF reports in a web app can be frustrating. We've been there.
Let us handle the heavy-lifting.
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Built for Laravel
Creating beautiful, pixel-perfect snapshots from your Laravel app simply couldn't be easier. We'll even store the snapshots in the cloud as long as you like.
Install Composer package
composer install stechstudio/snapthis
Configure your API key
SNAPTHIS_API_KEY=[your api key]
Start taking snapshots
Seriously powerful
Let's take a look at just a few of the ways you can use SnapThis.
Simple screenshot
Take a simple screenshot of a public URL, return the PNG image directly to the user.
class Controller {
public function screenshot()
return SnapThis::windowSize(1900, 1080)
// In your controller method
return SnapThis::windowSize(1900, 1080)
PDF report download
Generate a named PDF from a blade template, force it to download.
class Controller {
public function report()
return SnapThis::name('Summary Report.pdf')
// In your controller method
return SnapThis::name('Summary Report.pdf')
Email attachment
Include the PDF data as an email message attachment.
class OrderConfirmation extends Mailable {
public function build()
$pdf = SnapThis::route('order-receipt')->pdf();
return $this->from('')
->attachData($pdf->contents, "Receipt.pdf", [
'mime' => 'application/pdf'
// In your mailable
return $this->from('')
['mime' => 'application/pdf']
... and so much more.
You get tremendous control over the snapshot process and result.
Window size
Print margins
Page background
Network idle
Header & footer content
Paper size
Window size
Custom headers
HTTP authentication
Resize snapshot
Device emulation
CSS media selection
Cloud storage
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